Christian Worship Tools

Resources for Connecting People with God
in Christian Worship

Resources for:
+ Planning worship services - prayers, greetings, affirmations, stories and more
+Doing morning and evening prayer alone or in a group
+Teaching and learning about Christian worship

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Christians who spend much time worshiping God, soon learn to enhance their worship experience with various tools. God isn't picky. We can just speak our hearts. But sometimes we can't find the right words to express our feelings. Sometimes our hearts freeze up or run dry. Or maybe we want to go deeper in our worship life, or grow our relationship with God. Or maybe the usual five minute devotional thought and two-sentence prayer is no longer enough for our daily connection with God. For two thousand years the saints of the church have relied on morning and evening prayer, but where do we find the tools for that?

What if you are a pastor or worship leader looking for just the right prayer for the congregation's Christmas Eve service, where do you look? How do you find a prayer that relates to the scripture you will be reading, or to the topic of the sermon? And where can you find a contemporary parable or Christian story to share with a group? Is there a quick place to find these things?

Maybe you have been sitting in church services every Sunday for years, but have never encountered God in any of your congregation's worship services? Shouldn't that be happening? How do we change that? Can we change that? Wouldn't it be really astounding to connect with God in the next worship service? We can't change others, but we can change how we approach God in our church's worship services.

This website is about sharing some answers to these questions and many more. We write books full of worship tools, and we have published them here for you to use. Pastors and other worship leaders will find it easy to search through the thousands of prayers and other worship elements we have included. Use scriptural or topical searches to locate what you need.

We have weeks of morning and evening prayer services built around major scriptural themes for individuals and small groups to use. We have also included here morning and evening prayer services for the special days of the Christian year, like Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and other special celebrations in the Christian year.

We have even included an entire book, Approaching God in Worship, that teaches Christians how to better connect with God in their church's worship services. It covers everything from how to listen to a sermon to the many layers of meaning in holy communion and baptism. You can learn about the Christian year, and even the multitude of creative ways you can contribute to your church's worship services. You should especially check out the chapters on "Approaching God in Prayer" and "Approaching God Every Day." Read it yourself, or study it with a group of friends. Use it in Sunday school or in a Bible study group. Study the book from cover to cover, or just one chapter at a time.

Right now Robert Ingram is our sole author, but we are searching for more. Ingram is an ordained United Methodist pastor. He has earned two masters and a doctoral degree focusing on the worship life of the church. He has pastored congregations as small as thirty-five members to more than a thousand members, using traditional, contemporary and blended services. He also has eight published books, all focused on resourcing Christian worship.

If you write resources useful to those leading and/or participating in Christian worship then hit the "Contact Us" button on the home page, and let us know what you are doing. We would be very happy to include more high-quality resources for the Church.

We are Christians and we understand how churches work. Budgets are always tight. There is always another ministry or mission that needs funding - or a leaky roof to repair. So we offer the tools on this website for the church's favorite price - free. God has already provided incomes to support us, and we are not looking to get rich. Of course, we do have expenses, and a donation once in awhile would help keep this website up and running. BUT... it is not required to access any of the worship resources on this site.

Because you are probably a Christian if you are using this site, we ask that you exercise one of the Christian fruits of the Spirit - patience. We are loading resources as fast as possible for us, but far too slowly in our opinion (and probably yours too). So we ask you to pray for us, and to be patient as we work to load the thousands of original resources we have sitting in our computers.

Thanks for checking us out.  We hope you can find some useful resources here.  And, if you are not already doing morning and evening prayer, may we suggest you get your toes wet with some of the days we have laid out?  Read the introduction to A Feast of Weeks; then pick a day, any day, and see if God won't meet you there.

Worship Resources - Search by Scripture

Choose a chapter from the Bible, and find worship resources relating to that chapter. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

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Worship Resources - Search by Topic

Choose a topic from our list, and find worship resources relating to that topic. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

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Worship Resources - Liturgy Found in Scripture

Find all kinds of prayers, affirmations, calls to worship, litanies, benedictions and more - taken right from the Bible. (WAITING FOR COPYRIGHT PERMISSION)

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Worship Resources - Psalms for Congregational Reading

Psalms divided for responsive congregational reading, using the parallelism of Hebrew poetry. Musical responses suggested. (WAITING FOR COPYRIGHT PERMISSION)

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A Feast of Weeks

Worship experiences for individuals or small groups to use in the mornings and/or evenings, with lots of ideas for keeping it fresh as you repeat the format.

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A Feast of Holy Days

Worship experiences for individuals or small groups to use in the morning and/or evenings on the special days of the Christian year.

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Christian Parables and Stories

Jesus taught with parables and stories. So do we, with parables and stories based on scripture.

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Approaching God in Worship

Fourteen chapters take you to the heart of Christian worship, and help you connect with God in ways you have never imagined. You don't have to change your church's worship services. You just change your approach. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Learn More
  • Christian Worship Tools, 32746 Jourden Rd., Albany, Ohio 45710, United States

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Christian congregations may reproduce for worship and educational purposes any single item from the "Christian Worship Tools" website for one-time use, as in a bulletin, special program, lesson resource, or projection on a screen. Each of these items copied must bear a copyright notice and acknowledgment, like the illustration below.

Individuals and small groups may reproduce any of the resources under "A Feast of Weeks" and/or "A Feast of Holy Days" for continuing usage by printing them out and/or saving them on a computer hard-drive or other electronic device. These resources must clearly bear a copyright notice and acknowledgment, like the illustration below.

Copyright 2020, Robert D. Ingram, 32746 Jourden Rd., Albany, Ohio 45710, Used by permission.

Unless noted otherwise, all scripture quotations posted on this website are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission. All rights reserved.

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To begin your search, find the book of the Bible in which you are interested; then click on that book.

(Books that are not highlighted in light blue-green indicates that they do not yet have any worship resources listed under them.)

OLD TESTAMENT                                       Isaiah                                                 Romans

Genesis                                                       Jeremiah                                            I Corinthians

Exodus                                                        Lamentations                                   II Corinthians

Leviticus                                                      Ezekiel                                               Galatians

Numbers                                                     Daniel                                                Ephesians

Deuteronomy                                             Hosea                                                Philippians

Joshua                                                          Joel                                                     Colossians

Judges                                                         Amos                                                   I Thessalonians

Ruth                                                            Obadiah                                              II Thessalonians

I Samuel                                                      Jonah                                                   I Timothy

II Samuel                                                     Micah                                                  II Timothy

I Kings                                                         Nahum                                                Titus

II Kings                                                        Habakkuk                                           Philemon

I Chronicles                                                Zephaniah                                          Hebrews

II Chronicles                                               Haggai                                                 James

Ezra                                                             Zechariah                                            I Peter

Nehemiah                                                  Malachi                                                II Peter

Esther                                                         NEW TESTAMENT                               I John

Job                                                               Matthew                                              II John

Psalms                                                        Mark                                                     III John

Proverbs                                                     Luke                                                     Revelation

Ecclesiastes                                                John

Song of Solomon                                      Acts

To begin searching choose a topic listed below and click on it.

(Topics not highlighted in light blue-green indicates those that do not yet have any worship resources listed under them.)

Adoration (see Praise of...)                                                          Good Friday                                                                        Nature (see Creation)

Advent                                                                                             Grace                                                                                   New Year

All Saints Day                                                                                 Graduation Day                                                                  Obedience

Ascension Day                                                                               Gratitude (see Thanksgiving)                                           Offering

Ash Wednesday                                                                             Grief                                                                                     Ordination

Aspiration                                                                                       Guidance                                                                             Palm Sunday (see Passion Sunday)

Assurance                                                                                       Harvest (see Thanksgiving)                                              Passion/Palm Sunday

Atonement                                                                                      Healing                                                                                Patriotic (see Nation)

Baptism                                                                                           Heaven                                                                                 Peace, Inner

Baptism of the Lord                                                                       Heritage                                                                              Peace, World

Bible (see Scripture)                                                                       Holy Communion (see Communion)                             Penitence (see Repentance)

Burial (see Funeral)                                                                        Holy Spirit's Comfort                                                        Pentecost

Calling                                                                                               Holy Spirit's Guidance                                                      Praise of God the Creator

Calmness                                                                                          Holy Spirit's Presence                                                       Praise of God the Ruler of History

Children                                                                                            Holy Spirit's Work                                                              Praise of God's Love

Christ the King                                                                                 Holy Thursday                                                                    Praise of God's Power

Christian Experience                                                                       Home (see Family)                                                            Praise of Jesus Christ

Christian Home (see Family)                                                          Hope                                                                                   Praise of Jesus' Love

Christmas                                                                                          Humility                                                                              Praise of Jesus' Salvation

Clergy                                                                                                 Illumination (see Inspiration)                                          Praise of the Holy Spirit

Church Anniversaries                                                                      Immortality (see Eternal Life)                                          Prayer

Church Building Dedication                                                           Independence Day                                                            Races/Cultures

Christian Education                                                                         Inspiration/Illumination                                                   Reconciliation

Christian Community                                                                      Integrity                                                                              Redemption (see Salvation)

Church Unity/Ecumenism                                                              Intercession/Supplication                                                Reformation Day

Comfort                                                                                             Invitation to Christian Life                                               Repentance

Commissioning (see Ordination)                                                  Invitation to Prayer                                                           Rest

Commitment                                                                                    Invitation to Worship                                                        Resurrection (see Easter)

Communion/Eucharist                                                                    Invocation                                                                          Saints (see All Saints Day)

Communion of the Saints                                                                Jesus Christ's Example                                                   Salvation/Redemption

Community (see Christian Community)                                        Jesus Christ's Love                                                          Sanctification

Compassion                                                                                       Jesus Christ's Presence                                                  School, Back to (& see Christian Ed.)

Confession of Sin                                                                              Jesus Christ's Sovereignty                                              Scripture

Confirmation                                                                                     Joy                                                                                      Second Coming

Courage                                                                                             Judgment                                                                           Serenity

Creation                                                                                             Justice                                                                                Service to Others/Work

Consecration                                                                                    Justification                                                                        Social Concerns

Cross of Jesus                                                                                   Kingdom of God                                                               Stewardship

Crucifixion (see Good Friday)                                                         Lent                                                                                    Strength

Day of Rest (see Sunday)                                                                Light                                                                                   Sunday  

Death (see Funeral)                                                                         Labor Day                                                                          Teachers (see Christian Education)

Discipleship                                                                                       Love                                                                                    Temptation

Earth Day                                                                                           Love of God                                                                       Testimony (see Witness)

Easter                                                                                                 Love of Jesus                                                                      Thanksgiving

Easter Vigil                                                                                         Love of Other People                                                       Thanksgiving Day

Ecumenism (see Church Unity)                                                      Loyalty (see Faithfulness)                                                Transfiguration Day

Education (see Christian Education)                                              Marriage (see Weddings)                                                Trinity 

Epiphany                                                                                             Martyrs (see All Saints Day)                                            Triumph

Eternal Life                                                                                          Maundy Thursday (see Holy Thursday)                       Troubles and Problems

Eucharist (see Communion)                                                             Membership (see Confirmation)                                  Trust

Evangelism                                                                                          Memorial Day                                                                   Unity (see Christian Unity)

Faith                                                                                                      Memorials (see Funerals)                                               Valentine's Day

Faithfulness                                                                                         Mercy                                                                                 Veteran's Day

Family                                                                                                   Ministry of All                                                                    Weddings

Father's Day                                                                                        Ministry of Clergy (see Clergy)                                        Work (see Service to Others)

Fellowship (see Christian Community)                                           Missions                                                                             World Peace (see Peace, World)

Forgiveness                                                                                         Missionaries                                                                       Worship

Freedom                                                                                              Mother's Day                                                                      Witness/Testimony

Funerals/Memorials                                                                          Name of Jesus

Glory                                                                                                    Nation

To begin your search, find the book of the Bible in which you are interested; then click on that book.

(Books that are not highlighted in light blue-green indicates that they do not yet have any worship resources listed under them.)

OLD TESTAMENT                                       Isaiah                                                 Romans

Genesis                                                       Jeremiah                                            I Corinthians

Exodus                                                        Lamentations                                   II Corinthians

Leviticus                                                      Ezekiel                                               Galatians

Numbers                                                     Daniel                                                Ephesians

Deuteronomy                                             Hosea                                                Philippians

Joshua                                                          Joel                                                     Colossians

Judges                                                         Amos                                                   I Thessalonians

Ruth                                                            Obadiah                                              II Thessalonians

I Samuel                                                      Jonah                                                   I Timothy

II Samuel                                                     Micah                                                  II Timothy

I Kings                                                         Nahum                                                Titus

II Kings                                                        Habakkuk                                           Philemon

I Chronicles                                                Zephaniah                                          Hebrews

II Chronicles                                               Haggai                                                 James

Ezra                                                             Zechariah                                            I Peter

Nehemiah                                                  Malachi                                                II Peter

Esther                                                         NEW TESTAMENT                               I John

Job                                                               Matthew                                              II John

Psalms                                                        Mark                                                     III John

Proverbs                                                     Luke                                                     Revelation

Ecclesiastes                                                John

Song of Solomon                                      Acts

To begin your search, find the Psalm in which you are interested; then click on that Psalm.

(Psalms that are not highlighted in light blue-green indicates that they do not yet have any worship resources listed under them.)

1            2              3             4               5              6                7               8                9              10               11               12              13                 14                 15

16          17           18            19             20           21             22             23             24             25              26                27              28                  29                 30

31          32           33            34             35           36             37             38             39             40              41                42              43                  44                 45

46          47           48            49             50           51             52             53             54             55              56                57              58                  59                 60

61          62           63            64             65           66             67             68             69             70              71                72              73                  74                 75

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106        107        108          109          110          111         112            113          114           115            116              117            118                119               120

121        122        123          124          125          126         127            128          129           130            131              132            133                134               135

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Choose a day, morning or evening, from the list of weeks and days below by clicking on the one you want.

(Eight more weeks of morning and evening prayers are in production, and will be available in the coming months.  Themes for these are: Prophecies; Wisdom; Jesus' Parables; The Lord's Prayer; Eyewitnesses; Virtues and Vices; In Christ; and Whispers of Heaven.)

Introduction and Personal Testimony

The Days of Creation

Sunday Morning                  Sunday Evening                   Monday Morning                   Monday Evening                    Tuesday Morning                    

Tuesday Evening                 Wednesday Morning          Wednesday Evening              Thursday Morning                 Thursday Evening       

Friday Morning                    Friday Evening                     Saturday Morning                  Saturday Evening

The Covenants of God

Sunday Morning                  Sunday Evening                   Monday Morning                   Monday Evening                    Tuesday Morning                    

Tuesday Evening                 Wednesday Morning          Wednesday Evening              Thursday Morning                 Thursday Evening       

Friday Morning                    Friday Evening                     Saturday Morning                  Saturday Evening

The Ten Commandments

Sunday Morning                  Sunday Evening                   Monday Morning                   Monday Evening                    Tuesday Morning                    

Tuesday Evening                 Wednesday Morning          Wednesday Evening              Thursday Morning                 Thursday Evening       

Friday Morning                    Friday Evening                     Saturday Morning                  Saturday Evening

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Sunday Morning                  Sunday Evening                   Monday Morning                   Monday Evening                    Tuesday Morning                    

Tuesday Evening                 Wednesday Morning          Wednesday Evening              Thursday Morning                 Thursday Evening       

Friday Morning                    Friday Evening                     Saturday Morning                  Saturday Evening

The "I Am..." Statements of Jesus

Sunday Morning                  Sunday Evening                   Monday Morning                   Monday Evening                    Tuesday Morning                    

Tuesday Evening                 Wednesday Morning          Wednesday Evening              Thursday Morning                 Thursday Evening       

Friday Morning                    Friday Evening                     Saturday Morning                  Saturday Evening

The Beatitudes

Sunday Morning                  Sunday Evening                   Monday Morning                   Monday Evening                    Tuesday Morning                    

Tuesday Evening                 Wednesday Morning          Wednesday Evening              Thursday Morning                 Thursday Evening       

Friday Morning                    Friday Evening                     Saturday Morning                  Saturday Evening

The Fruit of the Spirit

Sunday Morning                  Sunday Evening                   Monday Morning                   Monday Evening                    Tuesday Morning                    

Tuesday Evening                 Wednesday Morning          Wednesday Evening              Thursday Morning                 Thursday Evening       

Friday Morning                    Friday Evening                     Saturday Morning                  Saturday Evening

Continuing with Variations

A Word about the Writing Style

Chose the story you want to access by clicking on one of the titles listed below.

"A Dream, A Promise" (Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18) Cycle A - 2nd Sun. of Lent

"Again!" (Luke 15:1-10) Cycle C - Sun. between Sept. 11 & 17

"A Good Place to Grow" (Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7) Cycle C - Sun. between Oct. 9 & 15

"A Job for Eddie" (Luke 16:1-13) Cycle C - Sun. between Sept. 18 & 24

"A Precious Gift" (Matthew 17:1-9) Cycle A - Transfiguration Sunday

"Blessed Are the Merciful" (Luke 10:25-37) Cycle C - Sun. between July 10 & 16

"Bob the Back-Corner Mouse" (Just for fun - especially with kids) 

"Carey's Crazy Cousin" (Romans 15:4-13) Cycle A - 2nd Sun. of Advent

"Dandelions!" (John 11:1-45) Cycle A - 5th Sun. of Lent

"Dawn of Redeeming Grace" (Luke 2:1-20) Cycle A, B & C - Christmas Eve

"Fish Out of Water" (Just for fun - especially with kids)

"Flashes of Fire" (Song of Solomon 2:8-13) Cycle B - Sun. between Aug. 28 & Sept. 3

"Get Out of Trouble Free Card" (Romans 3:19-26) Not in the Lectionary

"Gloria in Chains" (Romans 6:19-23) Cycle A - Sun. between June 26 & July 2

"Great Joy" (Luke 2:1-20) A Story for Christmastime

"Groping for God" (Acts 17:22-31) Cycle A - 6th Sun. of Easter

Hang Your Toes over the Edge (Just for fun - especially with kids)

"Heart-Writing" (Jeremiah 31:27-34) Cycle C - Sun. between Oct. 16 & 22

"Into the Valley" (Psalm 23) Cycle A - 4th Sun. of Easter

"Living Proof" (John 20:19-31) Cycle A - 2nd Sun. of Easter

"Luke's Yoke" (Lamentations 3:25-33) Not in the Lectionary

"Marked and Sealed" (Ephesians 1:11-23) Cycle C - All Saints Day

"Moze Turns Aside" (Exodus 3:1-15) Cycle A - Sun. between Aug. 28 & Sept. 3

"No Gas at the Inn" (Just for fun - all ages)

Remember Who You Are (Just for fun - especially with kids)

"Riding the Fast" (I Corinthians 12:12-31a) Cycle C - 3rd. Sun. after Epiphany

"Shower-Proofing" (John 4:5-42) Cycle A - 3rd Sun. of Lent

"The Absentee Angel" (Luke 2:1-20) Cycle A, B & C - Christmas Eve

"The Beginning of Wisdom" (Psalm 111) Cycle B - Sun. between Aug. 14 & 20

"The Cripple and the Schizo" (Zephaniah 3:14-20) 3rd Sun. of Advent

"The Greatest Sign of All" (John 11:1-45) Cycle A - 5th Sun. of Lent

"The Last Enemy" (I Corinthians 15:19-26) Cycle C - Easter Day

"The Morning that Silence Breaks" (Isaiah 60:1-6) Cycle A - Epiphany Day

"The Navy Gets the Spirit" (Acts 2:1-21) Cycle A - Pentecost Day

"The Nest Egg" (Matthew 22:34-40) Cycle A - Sun. between Oct. 23 & 29

"The Prince Who Hated Being Poor" (Just for fun)

"The Spitting Image of God" (Genesis 1:1-2:4a) Cycle A - Trinity Sunday

"The Willow Switch" (Romans 5:1-8) Cycle A - Sun. between June 12 & 18

"Uncommon Valor" (Isaiah 2:1-5) Cycle A - 1st Sun. of Advent

"Who Is This?" (Matthew 21:1-11; Zechariah 9:1-11:3) Cycle A - Passion/Palm Sunday

Who Taught Frogs to Hop? (Just for fun - especially with kids)

"Wild Creek Holler Church" (James 5:7-10) Cycle A - 3rd Sun. of Advent

"World Hunger - The Solution" (Matthew 14:13-21) Cycle A - Sun. between July 31 & Aug. 6

To chose one of the lessons click on one of the titles listed below.

(The resources that are now available are those printed in light blue-green.  Others (in black) are still to be added to this website.)

Introduction to "Approaching God in Worship"

Chapter One - First Approaches to God

First Encounters

Our Attraction to the Holy One

Offering Sacrifices

Going to Church Vs. Going to Worship

What Is Christian Worship?

Chapter Two - Approaching God in Temple, Synagogues and House Churches

Why Worship Together?

Sunday Replaces the Sabbath

Our Jewish Roots

Jewish Heritage Goes Deep

Worshiping with Our Lifestyles

Chapter Three - Approaching God through Order and Ritual

Is God Present?

Our Human Need for Ritual

Order and Spontaneity

The Evangelistic Pattern of Approach

The Emmaus Pattern of Approach

Chapter Four - Approaching God through Time

Observing Seasons and Feast Days

The Lord's Day

Easter Season

Christmas Season

The Christian Year

Chapter Five - Approaching God through Sacred Space

Tent and Temple

House Churches to Cathedrals

Modern Churches

Arranging the Furniture

God and Place

Chapter Six - Approaching God in the Sacrament of Baptism

A Means of Grace

Which Are Sacraments?


Seeds of Meaning in Baptism

Seeds of Meaning in Baptism Concluded

Chapter Seven - Approaching God in the Sacrament of Communion

Holy Communion and Its Seeds of Meaning

Communion's Seeds of Meaning Continued

Communion's Seeds of Meaning Concluded

The Great Thanksgiving Prayer

The Great Thanksgiving Prayer Concluded

Chapter Eight - Approaching God in Sacred Moments

Confirmation and Weddings



Footwashing and Healing


Chapter Nine - Approaching God in the Word

Listening to Whom?

How to Listen

People of the Book

Which Scripture to Read?

Other Forms of Preaching

Chapter Ten - Approaching God through Prayer

Learning to Pray

Types of Prayer

Working the Service Prayers

Working the Service Prayers Concluded

The Practice of Prayer

Chapter Eleven - Approaching God through Music

Using Music in Worship


The Best Style of Music

Choral or Congregational?

Instrumental Music

Chapter Twelve - Approaching God through the Arts

Creating Beautiful

Liturgical Art

The Material in the Service of the Spiritual

Colors and Textiles of the Christian Year

Liturgical Symbols

Chapter Thirteen - Approaching God through Serving in Worship

Community Versus Solitude

Skills, Talents and Spiritual Gifts

Ordained Clergy and Other Professionals

All the Other Servants

A Royal Priesthood

Chapter Fourteen - Approaching God Every Day

Live Thanksgiving Daily

Love Justice, Do Kindness and Walk Humbly with God


The Daily Office

Praying without Ceasing