To chose one of the lessons click on one of the titles listed below.

(The resources that are now available are those printed in light blue-green.  Others (in black) are still to be added to this website.)

Introduction to "Approaching God in Worship"

Chapter One - First Approaches to God

First Encounters

Our Attraction to the Holy One

Offering Sacrifices

Going to Church Vs. Going to Worship

What Is Christian Worship?

Chapter Two - Approaching God in Temple, Synagogues and House Churches

Why Worship Together?

Sunday Replaces the Sabbath

Our Jewish Roots

Jewish Heritage Goes Deep

Worshiping with Our Lifestyles

Chapter Three - Approaching God through Order and Ritual

Is God Present?

Our Human Need for Ritual

Order and Spontaneity

The Evangelistic Pattern of Approach

The Emmaus Pattern of Approach

Chapter Four - Approaching God through Time

Observing Seasons and Feast Days

The Lord's Day

Easter Season

Christmas Season

The Christian Year

Chapter Five - Approaching God through Sacred Space

Tent and Temple

House Churches to Cathedrals

Modern Churches

Arranging the Furniture

God and Place

Chapter Six - Approaching God in the Sacrament of Baptism

A Means of Grace

Which Are Sacraments?


Seeds of Meaning in Baptism

Seeds of Meaning in Baptism Concluded

Chapter Seven - Approaching God in the Sacrament of Communion

Holy Communion and Its Seeds of Meaning

Communion's Seeds of Meaning Continued

Communion's Seeds of Meaning Concluded

The Great Thanksgiving Prayer

The Great Thanksgiving Prayer Concluded

Chapter Eight - Approaching God in Sacred Moments

Confirmation and Weddings



Footwashing and Healing


Chapter Nine - Approaching God in the Word

Listening to Whom?

How to Listen

People of the Book

Which Scripture to Read?

Other Forms of Preaching

Chapter Ten - Approaching God through Prayer

Learning to Pray

Types of Prayer

Working the Service Prayers

Working the Service Prayers Concluded

The Practice of Prayer

Chapter Eleven - Approaching God through Music

Using Music in Worship


The Best Style of Music

Choral or Congregational?

Instrumental Music

Chapter Twelve - Approaching God through the Arts

Creating Beautiful

Liturgical Art

The Material in the Service of the Spiritual

Colors and Textiles of the Christian Year

Liturgical Symbols

Chapter Thirteen - Approaching God through Serving in Worship

Community Versus Solitude

Skills, Talents and Spiritual Gifts

Ordained Clergy and Other Professionals

All the Other Servants

A Royal Priesthood

Chapter Fourteen - Approaching God Every Day

Live Thanksgiving Daily

Love Justice, Do Kindness and Walk Humbly with God


The Daily Office

Praying without Ceasing