(This celebration is on the Sunday after Pentecost Day.)
Father, Creator of the Universe, Fountain of Love,
we bow before your power and glory.
Jesus, Salvation for the Lost, Rabbi of the Poor,
we bow to your sacrifice and love.
Spirit, Companion on the Way, Wisdom Within,
we bow with your counsel and help.
God, Eternal Trinity, Steadfast and Loving Friend.
we bow in your unity and harmony.
HYMN 61 “Come, Thou Almighty King”
Absolute Holiness and Totally Other,
you chose to reveal yourself to your creatures,
and we have seen, heard and experienced your mysteries.
We know you as our Cosmic Creator,
calling into existence order, variety and beauty,
and caring for all: hickory trees, sea urchins and humans.
We know you as Jesus from Nazareth,
our brother, sharing our flesh, dying our death,
rising to life, and uniting us with your gracious divinity.
We know you as Spirit dwelling in us,
providing us your strength, insight, maturation;
even marking and sealing in us the reality of your presence.
O God, you chose to let us know you
as three beings united in one harmonious unity,
a paradox beyond the comprehension of our simple minds.
Is there more to you yet to be revealed?
Is the full immensity of your being too much,
too complex, too beyond, for us to understand at this time?
The Israelites knew your angry judging,
because they could not keep clear of sinning.
Only your grace in Christ, lets us know you more deeply.
In Christ you revealed profound love.
In his forgiving sacrifice we saw beyond wrath,
and experienced a Creator willing to die to save the world.
That revelation still shakes our world.
Many have yet to believe your free gift of grace.
We cannot forgive ourselves. How can you forgive us?
Your wrath made more sense to us.
How can a holy God want our willful company?
And yet your Holy Spirit comes to dwell in and among us.
In the Spirit we meet your daily care,
and sense your steadfast presence in our lives.
In the Spirit we find you as a fount of joy, peace and hope.
These things you have revealed to us,
but you are so much more, beyond our knowing.
What wonders and immensities of you still lie hidden?
All our experiences of you fall short,
and our modern sciences will never discern you.
There is no microscope or telescope that can probe you.
You are not ours to examine, explore.
We can only know what you choose to reveal.
We can only fearfully approach when you choose to call.
But our past experiences reassure us,
whatever of you is still hidden, unknown to us,
will flow from your springs of holy goodness and love.
Whatever simple complexity you are,
whatever enigmatic truism, or unknown familiarity,
you will always be righteous Judge and gracious Father.
You will always be the One steadfast love.
You, God, will always be a holy ground under us,
the pure air we breathe, and our hope for all things good.
You will always be the Three in One,
a singular unity forever treasuring your creatures,
always designing new ways to bestow blessing and life. Amen.
Copyright 2020. Robert D. Ingram, 32746 Jourden Rd., Albany, Ohio 45710 (dr.bobingram@gmail.com). Used by permission.