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Christians who spend much time worshiping God, soon learn to enhance their worship experience with various tools. God isn't picky. We can just speak our hearts. But sometimes we can't find the right words to express our feelings. Sometimes our hearts freeze up or run dry. Or maybe we want to go deeper in our worship life, or grow our relationship with God. Or maybe the usual five minute devotional thought and two-sentence prayer is no longer enough for our daily connection with God. For two thousand years the saints of the church have relied on morning and evening prayer, but where do we find the tools for that?

What if you are a pastor or worship leader looking for just the right prayer for the congregation's Christmas Eve service, where do you look? How do you find a prayer that relates to the scripture you will be reading, or to the topic of the sermon? And where can you find a contemporary parable or Christian story to share with a group? Is there a quick place to find these things?

Maybe you have been sitting in church services every Sunday for years, but have never encountered God in any of your congregation's worship services? Shouldn't that be happening? How do we change that? Can we change that? Wouldn't it be really astounding to connect with God in the next worship service? We can't change others, but we can change how we approach God in our church's worship services.

This website is about sharing some answers to these questions and many more. We write books full of worship tools, and we have published them here for you to use. Pastors and other worship leaders will find it easy to search through the thousands of prayers and other worship elements we have included. Use scriptural or topical searches to locate what you need.

We have weeks of morning and evening prayer services built around major scriptural themes for individuals and small groups to use. We have also included here morning and evening prayer services for the special days of the Christian year, like Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and other special celebrations in the Christian year.

We have even included an entire book, Approaching God in Worship, that teaches Christians how to better connect with God in their church's worship services. It covers everything from how to listen to a sermon to the many layers of meaning in holy communion and baptism. You can learn about the Christian year, and even the multitude of creative ways you can contribute to your church's worship services. You should especially check out the chapters on "Approaching God in Prayer" and "Approaching God Every Day." Read it yourself, or study it with a group of friends. Use it in Sunday school or in a Bible study group. Study the book from cover to cover, or just one chapter at a time.

Right now Robert Ingram is our sole author, but we are searching for more. Ingram is an ordained United Methodist pastor. He has earned two masters and a doctoral degree focusing on the worship life of the church. He has pastored congregations as small as thirty-five members to more than a thousand members, using traditional, contemporary and blended services. He also has eight published books, all focused on resourcing Christian worship.

If you write resources useful to those leading and/or participating in Christian worship then hit the "Contact Us" button on the home page, and let us know what you are doing. We would be very happy to include more high-quality resources for the Church.

We are Christians and we understand how churches work. Budgets are always tight. There is always another ministry or mission that needs funding - or a leaky roof to repair. So we offer the tools on this website for the church's favorite price - free. God has already provided incomes to support us, and we are not looking to get rich. Of course, we do have expenses, and a donation once in awhile would help keep this website up and running. BUT... it is not required to access any of the worship resources on this site.

Because you are probably a Christian if you are using this site, we ask that you exercise one of the Christian fruits of the Spirit - patience. We are loading resources as fast as possible for us, but far too slowly in our opinion (and probably yours too). So we ask you to pray for us, and to be patient as we work to load the thousands of original resources we have sitting in our computers.

Thanks for checking us out.  We hope you can find some useful resources here.  And, if you are not already doing morning and evening prayer, may we suggest you get your toes wet with some of the days we have laid out?  Read the introduction to A Feast of Weeks; then pick a day, any day, and see if God won't meet you there.