A Note to Parents and Friends of Children

      Children delight in the world God has created.  A frog splashing into a pond rivets their attention to the wonder of these green amphibians.  And what child can resist a puddle, new shoes and all?  Who Taught Frogs to Hop? Allows children to associate all these delights with their source – our loving God.

      As their imaginations play with creation, children can also play with you, the reader.  As you assume the child’s role of asking one question after another, they get to take the adult’s role of providing the correct answers.  The fact that every question you ask has the same answer – “God” – just reinforces the child’s fun and emphasizes what is obvious to everyone, except silly old adults!

      This book is a playful way to teach a child about God and the good that God has created.  You add the fun by reading playfully.  And don’t forget to add the kisses, tickles, and hugs at the right places too!

Whose idea was it to make the world round instead of square?

       I like it round because it doesn’t have any sharp corners.

              But who thought of it? 

Do you know? 

And who decided to use so many different colors for flowers,

       rainbows, birds, fish, butterflies, beetles,

             and all those funny-colored bugs that want to sit on my dish?

Who taught frogs to hop

       and land with a splash? 

Or monkeys to swing from limb to limb, and tree to tree?

       Or mountain goats to never look down

             when they jump from one high, teetering rock to the next? 

Who taught raccoons to wash their food?

       Who taught squirrels to store nuts for winter?

             And who taught kangaroos to raise babies in their pockets?

Who thought up all this neat stuff? 

        Do you know? 

Like, who thought of putting the crunch in apples?

        The corn on the cob?

               And the water in the melon? 

Who thought up puddles, and ducks, 

        and little kids splashing in bare feet? 

And who had the great idea of decorating the night sky 

        with all those twinkling stars? 

Who taught cows to say, “Moooooo,” 

        And owls to say, “Whoooooo?” 

                Do you know whoooooo? 

Who thought up soft laps 

        and gentle arms to hug you 

                while you listen to bedtime stories? 

And whose idea was it to give kisses and tickles?

Who thought up moms and dads, 

        grandma and grandpas, aunts and uncles, 

                nieces, nephews, cousins, and all the rest? 

Best of all, Who thought of YOU? 

      May I say I think that was a really, really good idea? 

Who came up with all these wonderful ideas? 

      Do you know who?

If you do,

       then do you know anyone better to sing songs to in church?

             or to say thank you to at the dinner table?

 Or to love for ever and

       ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever,

             and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever? 

My questions are done,

       but I have something for you –

             a great big hug from me and you know who! 

The above story appeared as a children’s picture book published by Augsburg Fortress in the USA, and by Scripture Union in the United Kingdom.  The artwork by June Goldsborough was fabulous.   

Copyright 1990. Robert D. Ingram, 32746 Jourden Rd., Albany, Ohio 45710 (dr.bobingram@gmail.com). Used by permission.