(As a vigil, this evening prayer requires more time, routinely running into the night.  This vigil begins on Easter Eve, and continues into the early hours of Easter morning.)


Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Genesis 7:1-5, 11-18; 8:6-18; 9:8-13; Genesis 22:1-18; Exodus 14:10-31; Exodus 20:1-21; Psalm 104; Psalm 119:1-48 (49-176); Psalm 146; Isaiah 55:1-11; Isaiah 61:1-11; Ezekiel 36:24-28; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 6:3-11; Matthew 25:57-28:10

(Some preparation is necessary for this vigil.  Some items will be needed including:  a candle, matches, a Bible, a small bowl of water, a glass of water for each participant and some crackers [if no clergy are present].  If clergy are present, holy communion can be celebrated and glasses of wine [or grape juice] and a loaf of bread are needed instead of water and crackers.)




On this night, so long, long ago,

      the disciples of Jesus were lost in the darkness of grief.

Those disciples had not yet seen,

      the new light that you were bringing into the world.

Tonight we gather to remember

      both the grief, and the welcome of Christ’s new light.

HYMN   129   “Give to the Winds Thy Fears”

PSALM    143


Imprisoned in fear,

      locked in darkness,

            Jesus dead and buried,

                  the disciples had so little.

They clung to his words:

      the kingdom is near;

            the one command is love;

                  serving others is greatness.

In him they found hope.

      In the way Jesus lived,

            in the way Jesus loved,

                  they saw your face, God.

Into their darkness,

      he brought your light.

            It pushed away their fears,

                  and let them hope for more.

 (Light a candle representing Christ’s presence.)


Tonight we watch and wait,

      with his disciples so long ago,

            for over two thousand years, God,

                  remembering his miraculous gift.

On this night the impossible

      became the world’s new reality.

            Death now holds an opened door,

                  leading to life, glory, victory, joy.  Amen.



(Traditionally, the Easter vigil lasts from dusk to dawn, and a number of scriptures are read to walk worshipers through high-points of salvation-history.  Reading at least the four passages {below} of scripture should remind the faithful of where we have been with God, and point to where we are heading.  The option of reading other traditional scriptures is also available below, and each of these readings can be followed by extemporaneous prayer.)

Read a passage of scripture.  Read it out loud, very slowly and carefully as if for the first time.  Continue reading until a word, phrase or sentence captures your attention.  Stop there to repeat the word, phrase or sentence over and over, listening to it deeply in your heart.

Reflect on why the passage got your attention.  Consider the area of your life to which this may apply.  Is God saying something to you in this passage?  Take time to listen carefully to whatever God may be saying to you.

Respond to God in prayer (or with journaling, music, art or whatever you choose) about what you have heard.  Ask questions.  Open yourself to God’s will for you.

Rest in God’s company.  Be still and quiet.  Move beyond thinking, practicing interior silence.  Let yourself be open to God’s presence.  Savor this moment with God.

THE CREATION   Genesis 1:1-2:4a

PSALM   Psalm 104


God, we believe it all started with a bang, your act of creating.

      Unbelievable magnitudes of energy blasting into formless void,

            initiating the physics of building atoms, and from them the elements.

From your mind, God, came molecules of air, rock and water,

      roiling and crashing together, collecting into suns, planets, moons;

            spinning into countless solar systems and into billions of galaxies.

From your heart, God, came first life, swarms of living cells;

      and green plants, from algae to spruces, from ferns to rosebushes;

            and creatures like insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals.

Like a Father, you created in your image, men and women;

      teaching them to care and live well, and remember who they are;

            loving them in a holy relationship of forgiveness, patience and grace.

With gladness you look upon creation and call it very good.

      Like a Mother, you are both the source and the definition of love,

            but the creation intensified your love beyond anything ever known.

You so loved creation that you gave free will to one creature,

      but our free will introduced sin and death into your good world;

            so you knew only the greatest act of love could correct this defect.

To give us the freedom to love you, God, you gave your life.

      In Jesus, you let us violently take you and execute you on a cross,

            In Jesus, you showed us the greatest love, and drew us into that love.

In the beginning of creation you knew creatures with free will,

      need more love and grace than there are atoms in all the universe;

            but this was the only way for us to freely choose to return your love.

You have no use for robotic love, but only for love freely offered.

      And so we tell you, even on this dreary night, we love you, Father!

            We love you, our Creator, with all our heart, soul, and mind, forever.  Amen.


(Follow each reading with your own extemporaneous prayer and/or a hymn of your choice.)

THE FLOOD   Genesis 7:1-5, 11-18; 8:6-18; 9:8-13



THE GIVING OF THE LAW   Exodus 20:1-21

PSALM   Psalm 119:1-48 (optional 119:49-176)


Holy and righteous Father, source of all guidance and goodness,

      it seems so simple to give just ten commands for our obedience,

      especially when it is easy to see why they are so good for us.

Why would anyone want to worship statues of wood, rock or metal?

      No inanimate objects for us.  But we have worshiped things like

      success, money and recognition, or like sex, alcohol and drugs.

So we worship other gods by making them the center of our lives.

      We do not think of them as gods, but they dictate our behavior.

      We have unintentionally turned from you, to follow after them.

But taking one day a week for rest?  We would truly love that, God!

      Yet we cannot rest this week.  We have too many commitments.

      We have to keep faith, you know.  Maybe next week we can rest.

At least “You shall not kill” is an easy command for us to obey;

      except for accidents where someone dies, but that is accidental.

      We kill in war, or to save another from being killed.  Is that sin?

Of course, God, you know we are not thieves, liars or adulterers.

      Sure we slipped a few times, but that is not who we really are.

      Besides, we are working to make sure it never happens again.

The command about coveting what is our neighbor’s is tougher.

      So we are a little jealous or envious of what our neighbor has.

      We admit to having dreams and desires.  Is that sinful, God?

You gave us ten simple commands.  They seem so easy to obey.

      But we have hundreds of thousands of excuses for not obeying.

      Obedience is not natural to us.  Making excuses comes easier.

So Jesus made it even simpler, love God and love your neighbor.

      But we have discovered a million billion ways to be unloving,

      and have trillions of excuses for hateful speech and behavior.

You were right, God.  We need a Savior who can obey your will,

      and Jesus not only obeyed, he made it look as simple as it is.

      He took obedience all the way to the cross and into the grave.

We needed Jesus, and we need him now, to take away our sinning;

      and we pray your continuing forgiveness for causing his death.

      We never managed to obey, and killed the only One who did.

Your forgiveness and grace, provided to us so abundantly in Jesus,

      is our only hope, our only chance to be your true children, God.

      We desperately want to be the loving people you are seeking.

Holy Father, your love and your Spirit filled Jesus so wonderfully,

      Use that same love and Spirit to fill us, and transform our lives.

      If we love you and our neighbor, obedience will come naturally.  Amen.


(Follow each reading with your own extemporaneous prayer and/or a hymn of your choice.)




HYMN   96   “Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above”


PSALM   Psalm 146

PRAYER   (Isaiah 61:1-11, Psalm 146)

We love the happy prophecies, God.

      You spoke the happy things to Israel,

            and now we meet their consummation.

For there is One you have anointed,

      One upon whom your own Spirit rests,

            One sent from you to us, Holy Father.

Jesus binds up the brokenhearted,

      brings good news to the oppressed,

            and proclaims the year of your favor.

Happy prophecies find fulfillment

      in the unhappy death we remember.

            In Jesus’ gift, mourners find comfort.

Instead of ashes, he gives a garland,

      instead of grief, the oil of gladness,

            instead of faint spirits, we offer praise.

How many ways do you say it, God?

      As we wait tonight, good news comes,

            generations of devastation find relief.

Jesus builds up the ancient ruins,

      repairs the ravaged, wasted cities,

            and raises up all that was damaged.

The earth brings forth its shoots.

      A garden of righteousness and praise

            springs up in the sight of all the nations.

He puts on us garments of salvation,

      covers us with robes of righteousness,

            garlands the groom, bejewels the bride.

Happy prophecies!  We love them!

      They speak of help coming in Jesus,

            happiness for those who faithfully wait.

Tell us again, God, how Jesus

      establishes justice for the oppressed,

            feeds the hungry, and opens blind eyes.

Tell how he sets prisoners free,

      lifts up those who are bowed down,

            and loves those living in righteousness.

Tell how he protects strangers,

      lifts up the orphans and the widows,

            but brings down the wicked to their ruin.

Happy are your prophecies, God!

      Our trust is not in princes or mortals.

            but in the One who fulfills the prophecies.

Jesus was crucified, and was dead;

      but your prophecies speak happiness,

            and those who trust, see promises kept.

Everlasting joy shall be ours, God,

      as Jesus fulfills all your prophecies,

            as Jesus comes to reward those who trust.

We love happy prophecies, God;

      and we praise you as long as we live,

            and will continue as we live again in Jesus.  Amen.


(Follow the reading with your own extemporaneous prayer and/or a hymn of your choice.)

            THE BURIAL OF CHRIST   Matthew 27:57-61


PRAYER   (Romans 6:3-11)

Imprisoned in darkness,

      locked in our unholy death,

            Jesus walked out of the tomb,

                  and started our new life in God.

A new light broke out,

      calling all Jesus’ friends

            to be born again into his light,

                  and to live in the holiness of God.

We are baptized, God,

      buried with Jesus in death,

            raised with Jesus’ resurrection,

                  steeped in these mysteries, O God.

He freed us from sin.

      Never again will we die,

            Help us to live into this reality,

                  as real friends of Jesus, our Christ.

Let his light shine,

      inspiring work and play,

            revealing the joy of eternity,

                  and, O God, pleasing you forever.  Amen.

HYMN   610   “We Know That Christ Is Raised”



(This reaffirmation of baptism may be celebrated without clergy present.  If clergy are present this can still be celebrated, or a service of baptism may replace what is provided below.)


PRAYER OF CONFESSION   (Romans 6:6-14; 7:4, 15-20)

God, we do not understand our own actions.

      We do not do what we want,

      we do the very thing we hate.

But we have died with Christ in baptism.

      We are believed dead to sin,

      and to be alive to you in Christ.

We are free from the law of sin and death.

      We do not walk the way of flesh,

      but live according to the Spirit.

Still we sin.  What is wrong with us, God?

      We do not do the good we want.

      We do the evil we do not want.

God, we want to live in unity with Jesus.

      Forgive us our sin yet again.

      Make our nature a copy of his.

Steel us to stand firm against temptation,

      but when we again fail you,

      let grace continue to reform us.

For only your love and grace, Holy Father,

       can work the miracle we need,

      to let us join Christ in his glory.



We find assurance in the words of the Apostle Paul:

      “God has imprisoned all in disobedience

            so that he may be merciful to all.”

It is by the grace of God that the baptized will live,

      not by any action or inaction of our own.

            God is merciful.  God’s love saves.

Thanks be to God, and to Jesus Christ, Son of God!


HYMN   604   “Praise and Thanksgiving Be to God”


Do you renounce the evil and sin in this world, and repent of your participation in it?

      (answer God in your own words)

Will you, in the freedom Christ provides us, fight against all evil, injustice and oppression?

      (answer God in your own words)

Do you confirm Jesus Christ as your Savior, and promise to serve him in his holy church,

      faithfully working beside his people of all nations, ages and races?

      (answer God in your own words)


(Recite “The Apostles’ Creed” (882) or “The Nicene Creed,” (880) or use the following affirmation.)

We wait in a minute of darkness,

      but an eternity of light is just ahead.

When Christ steps from the tomb,

      it is just like the first day of creation.

            when our God said, “Let there be light!”

We believe in the light of Jesus Christ.

We wait in a minute of noisiness,

      but One voice will be heard eternally.

When Christ steps from the tomb,

      his Word will come live among us,

            and his words will command our hearts.

We believe in the Word of Jesus Christ.

We wait in a minute of mortality,

      but we are baptized into immortality.

When Christ steps from the tomb,

      those joined to his death in baptism,

            will come alive with him in resurrection.

We believe in the baptism of Jesus Christ.

We wait in a minute of alienation,

      but eternal communion will be ours.

When Christ steps from the tomb,

      he will carry us into unity with God,

            and into communion with God’s family.

We believe in the communion of Christ.

Light, Word, baptism, communion,

      these are God’s gifts to God’s people,

            as we abide in the love of God’s Son.



To you, the almighty, eternal God, we lift up our hearts,

      and we give thanks to you, our loving Creator.

      It is right to give you our thanks and praise.

      It is indeed right, and a good and joyful thing.

You so loved the world that you sent your Son, Jesus Christ.

      He began his ministry with the baptism of John,

      showing us his example of love and humility,

      leading us to a faith that submits to your will.

In Jesus, in all his words and actions, we began to see you.

      Never before were your love and grace so clear,

      and, unbelievably, we are the ones greatly loved.

      Knowing we are unworthy, we lift up our praise.

Jesus began his ministry with baptism, and ended there too,

      commissioning his disciples to go into the world,

      making disciples and baptizing in the name of

      the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Then, on Pentecost Day, you empowered Jesus’ disciples,

      by filling their hearts with your Holy Spirit.

      Spilling into the streets, they began speaking

      other languages as the Spirit gave them ability.

Thousands of Jews living in Jerusalem heard their words,

      people of every nation and language believed.

      Peter said, “Repent and be baptized, and 3,000

      Jews were baptized, welcoming his message.

Then you took Philip down the desert road toward Gaza,

      where he baptized the eunuch from Ethiopia.

      You sent Ananias to baptize the blinded Saul;

      and a persecutor of Christians became apostle.

You gave Peter a vision while he was praying on a rooftop,

      telling him that all people are acceptable to you.

      Then you sent him to a Roman centurion’s house,

      where Peter baptized a whole crowd of Gentiles.

When Paul spoke with women at the riverside in Philippi,

      Lydia heard Paul’s words and believed in Jesus.

      She and her whole household received baptism,

      founding a new church in that Philippian city.

Paul, and Silas too, were imprisoned there, but you opened

      the prison doors, and opened the jailor’s heart.

      The jailor invited the prisoners to his home,

      and that night his whole family was baptized.

And since then, billions and billions more, Jews and Gentiles,

      have washed in the holy waters of your baptism.

      Jesus stirred those waters for all of us to enjoy,

      They bring new life and new relationship with you.

With Christ we die, we are raised, and live with him forever!

      And so, God, as we remember our baptisms today

      pour out your Holy Spirit upon all your children,

      and let this Spirit of Christ dwell within us always.

Wash away our sin.  Give us a clean heart and wholesome mind.

      Free us from every earthly bondage and addiction.

      Shine Christ’s light upon our lives and set our morals.

      Employ us in your service, and seal us with this Spirit.

And let all praise be to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen.


(Individuals praying alone can dip a finger into a bowl of water, and make the sign of the cross on their forehead, saying the following words.  If clergy are present; then the clergy will sign peoples’ foreheads, and can offer baptism to those not yet baptized.)

I remember my baptism and all that it means:

  • the forgiveness of my sin;
  • salvation from death;
  • new birth from above;
  • the exodus from all that has bound me in the past;
  • a total change in my relationship with you, God;
  • adoption into your family;
  • the gift of your Holy Spirit;
  • the gift of eternal life with you, God;
  • the gift of a new light to guide my mind and heart;
  • unity with you, God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
  • unity with your worldwide church;
  • a call to live a thankful and holy life;
  • a call to faithful service to you, God;
  • and a call to witness to all, with my words and deeds.

All these layers of meaning, I affirm and celebrate.

      For my baptism I give you my eternal thanks and praise.

            And I offer you my faithful service forever, my loving Father.  Amen.

HYMN OF THANKSGIVING   57 (58,59)    “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” 


(In the absence of clergy, a love feast is celebrated here.  If clergy are present, they can replace the following liturgy with a liturgy appropriate for holy communion.  Crackers and water are used in the following love feast, but bread and wine should be used for holy communion.)


(Lift the crackers and water to God, and then prepare them for eating and drinking.)


We lift up our hearts to you, O God.

      It is right to give you thanks and praise.

After all the good you have done,

      we should continuously offer you praise.

We should dance and sing every day,

      and in every place throughout creation.

All things come from you, Father,

      the grandest galaxies to the tiniest mouse.

Wanting to share all your blessings,

      you taught Israel your code of holy law.

With this, you coached us toward

      yourself, a real God, the only way of life.

And when we strayed from this way,

      you sent prophets to call us back to you.

They spoke things hard for us to hear,

      and revealed our choice of death over life.

They told of your ready compassion,

      and called us back to your loving mercy.

You yourself came to us in your Son,

      proclaiming your love from the cross.

When you baptized us into his death,

      you also raised us into new life with him.

Holy, holy, holy are you, our God.

      Blessed is Christ who comes in your name.

Through Jesus’ death and resurrection,

      you delivered us from our sin and death.

In him, you gave birth to the church,

      and made a new covenant in your Spirit.

On the night of his arrest, Jesus ate

      a communal meal with all his disciples;

breaking bread and drinking wine,

      he gave to them his own body and blood.

As we remember that loving feast,

      we give you, God, our thanks and praise;

and pray the power of your Spirit,

      fill your church as it did that last supper.

Receive our humble thanksgiving.

      Let your love be celebrated everywhere.

We pray to you, our loving Father,

      through the Spirit’s power, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.



(Break one of the crackers in half.)


(Everyone present is encouraged to eat one or more crackers and drink the water.)


(Pause to reflect and listen.  Work to push out of your mind any distracting or irrelevant thoughts.  Concentrate your thoughts on the words of the hymns and choruses you have sung, the prayers you have spoken and the scriptures you have read.  Be aware of what you are feeling.  Listen for anything that God might be saying to you in this time you have spent together.  As God responds to your prayer-time, seek guidance for how you can best respond to God’s will.  Then commit to serving God’s will for you.)

HYMN   383  “This Is a Day of New Beginnings”


Our holy and loving Father, we know

      we are more than just people of the Passion.

Into darkness, you shine a bright light.

      From an ugly death, you bring beautiful life.

With you, there is always more to come.

      The cross is not an end, but a new beginning.

With the dawn, the night is finished.

      In the new light of day, you will astonish us.

Dear Father, we choose you forever,

      and will follow your Son with all our heart.  Amen.

Copyright 2020. Robert D. Ingram, 32746 Jourden Rd., Albany, Ohio 45710 (dr.bobingram@gmail.com).  Used by permission.